
State-of-the-art biofiltration for all your wastewater applications.


  • Proteus Plus

    The upgraded Proteus Plus configuration adds a layer of aerated biofilm for high-rate biological treatment which does not require chemicals or redirection of biomass.

  • Patented EPP Media

    The expanded polypropylene (EPP) media design provides the ideal surface area to build biofilm for high solids loading rates. Download Brochure

  • Pre-engineered Designs

    Easy construction option for management of primary wet weather flows, capacity increase, or as a tertiary bolt-on for nutrient control.


Head loss is recovered by two backwash methods: gravity draining for sludge removal and air scouring for excess bio-mass removal (floating media)

During backwashing, the air scouring facilitates the removal of suspended solids and excess biomass from the media layer

The treated water remaining over the upper strainer block will be used for backwashing driven by gravity


  • Primary Treatment

    Retrofit old conventional primary clarifiers to save space, increase capacity and upgrade processes by grabbing more solids upstream of aeration basins and sending them to digestors for maximum energy efficiency.

  • Secondary Treatment

    Achieve higher water quality standards and comply with effluent discharge limits with a range of secondary treatment functions, such as BOD reduction, nitrification, and denitrification.

  • Tertiary Treatment

    Configurable to operate under various water quality conditions and achieve stable water quality for reuse applications or alternatives to water resources.

  • Wet Weather Treatment

    With continuous aeration capabilities and no settling required, the system can manage high peaking factors and variable flow rates, simplifying the treatment of dilute flows.

  • Groundwater

    The Proteus biofiltration process is highly effective at remediating contaminants such as nitrate, perchlorate, and organics to meet Federal Maximum Contamination Level (MCL).


Industry Expert, Dr. Glen Daigger evaluates Proteus Biofiltration technology for advanced primary treatment & wet weather flows

Tomorrow Water successfully completed a demonstration pilot for its Proteus up-flow media filter technology at a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) in Genesee County, Michigan. The pilot provided valuable data in real-world conditions for Proteus and was validated by Professor Glen Daigger at University of Michigan as a promising solution for increasingly common peak flow events at facilities like this one.


Proteus Reference

Leveraging high-rate biofiltration to reclaim valuable space in the Heart of Seoul