Municipal Wastewater

Transforming Wastewater from Cost Streams to Profit Streams


Transforming Wastewater from Cost Streams to Profit Streams

  • Comply with stringent discharge regulations

  • Reuse or recycle wastewater

  • Save & produce energy

  • Create new & retrofit current facilities


Applied Technologies

  • Retrofit old conventional primary clarifiers to save space, increase capacity and upgrade processes by grabbing more solids upstream of aeration basins and sending them to digestors for maximum energy efficiency.

  • Achieve higher water quality standards and comply with effluent discharge limits with a range of secondary treatment functions, such as BOD reduction, nitrification, and denitrification.

  • Configurable to operate under various water quality conditions and achieve stable water quality for reuse applications or alternatives to water resources.

  • With continuous aeration capabilities and no settling required, the system can manage high peaking factors and variable flow rates, simplifying the treatment of dilute flows.

  • Compared to conventional nitrification/denitrification (NDN), applying AMX™ to municipal sidestream is a highly effective method of removing nitrogen from sidestream before returning it to the headworks.


Through it’s versatile design & small footprint, Proteus Biofiltration can help reclaim space in your facility, increase capacity & upgrade processes.

Solving Carbon Diversion Challenges with Primary TSS Capture

The Proteus high rate up-flow filtration system can manage higher levels of BOD and SS during the wet season. Accepted into the general technology scan of the LIFT program based on innovative capacity for carbon diversion, Proteus facilitates the effective removal of solids and soluble organics by simultaneously performing biological treatment and physical filtration. This inherent dual functionality enables Proteus to be a robust technology platform capable of combining Anammox and/or Algae solutions alongside wet weather flow treatment.